Colonial Wines & Spirits

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Chris Alt

It has happened to most of us. We’re out to eat with friends, or at a party, when we’re offered a new beverage that turns out to be fantastic. “What is this?” we ask, usually adding something to the affect of “I need this for the house” or “my significant other would love this.” We get the name of the beverage in question, probably repeating it out loud a couple of times in hopes of committing it to memory, making a mental note to swing by Colonial Wines & Spirits later in the week to procure a bottle or three. But you’re an adult. Life happens. Between responding to all the emails in your work inbox and getting the kids to the right extracurricular activity at the right time and the general chaos and grind of being alive, by the time you make it to Colonial, all you can remember is that you tried something new and that you really enjoyed it. Maybe if you’re lucky, you can recall a vague detail like “it was an IPA” or “I think it was a Pinot Noir. Or maybe a Cabernet? It was red…at least, I think it was red.”

The good news is you aren’t the first person this has happened to and you certainly won’t be the last. The better news is there are a few tips that can help you get your hands on that beverage, even if your memory is faulty.

The simplest way is to just pull out your phone and take a picture of the bottle, making sure that the label is as prominent in the photo as manageable. But for various reasons this isn’t always an option for people, and sometimes bad pictures happen (or pictures get deleted).

Another recommendation I always make to people is to track what you’re drinking with an app. If you’re a beer enthusiast, Untappd is a lot of fun because you not only see what your friends are drinking, but you can track the beers that you’ve had and go into your timeline to see what you drank, where, and when. For wine drinkers, Vivino and Cellartracker both come highly recommended. A good app for spirits seems harder to come by, although I can make a good faith argument for Distiller and Elixr.

Remembering where you tried a particular beverage can go a long way. Finding a wine list for a specific restaurant or bar helps us figure out what you’re looking for faster than “some place in Hot Springs, I’m not sure what it was called”. Please keep in mind that distribution in central Arkansas can be different than the northwest part of the state and especially out of state; that amazing Chenin Blanc you had in Fayetteville may not be available here in Little Rock, and the chocolate bacon peanut butter porter (sounded weird, tasted delicious) that you tried on a business trip at a brewery in Syracuse might not be either. Our staff goes above and beyond to suggest alternatives if your pick isn’t yet on the Colonial shelves.

Lastly, while you’re still in that magical flavor moment, call us at 501-223-3120 and let us know what you’re sipping. If it’s something we carry, you can purchase it online! If it isn’t, we’re always happy to special order. Using technology increases your chance of adding your newest favorite to your libation library!